You know my top two most favorite feelings?? #2 is falling in love, it’s gotta be one of the very best feelings in the world. #1 is definitely the feeling you get when you’re with your children and everything just seems right. Everyone is happy, and you’re feeling SO full of the best love in… Continue reading Feelings…Nothing More Than FEEEEELINGS
I’m So Bad at Titles.
Didja think I was dead?? I’m still here, later than normal but alive. This morning I rushed to Jennies to cut out a bag which took far too long. My next bag is going to be magnificent folks. A real doozie. Watch out Louis Vitton! And then we drove all the way home to just… Continue reading I’m So Bad at Titles.
Blah blah blah blah blah blah
GRRRR I’m so annoyed!!! I took some photos this morning and I was going to share them with you but somehow they didn’t end up on my CF card!!!! What the heck?? There was a beautiful moment this morning. I had spilled cheerios all over my kitchen floor and decided to clean it up after… Continue reading Blah blah blah blah blah blah
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Isaac
Isaac….ohhhhhhhh Isaac. He makes my life very complicated. I didn’t think having a second child was that hard at first. Once mobility struck us, the hard meter went waaaaaaay up. I was thinking the other day about how much I could get done in a day when it was just Silas and I. Darling Silas… Continue reading Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Isaac
I May or May Not Be Crazy
So, Saturday I was watching some movie on TV and a commercial for this thing <——————— came on. My heart went pitter pat, I broke out in a cold sweat, I could hardly breathe. “You mean that I, too, can make round pancakes for only one easy payment of $39.99?” I said to myself. MUST….HAVE….PANCAKE….PUFFER.… Continue reading I May or May Not Be Crazy
He’s Not Naughty…He’s Two.
K who told Silas that if he defied me then nothing outrageous would happen?? The sky wont fall, no one will die, no one will get hurt. Nothing more than him spending some calm down time in his room with groovey tunes on and toys to play with (which works like magic to calm the… Continue reading He’s Not Naughty…He’s Two.
Lesson Learned
Well, that lemon drink started tasting foul to me. I think it was partially the maple syrup. I slowly drank less and less and this morning I woke up at like 6:30 feeling like HELL. Literal Hell…I wasn’t sure if I needed to go to the ER or not…that bad. Brent got some maple syrup… Continue reading Lesson Learned
Almost Done!!
My heart is sad today. Another person from my high school has died. It’s crazy but it keeps happening. The people who die seem to be getting closer and closer to me. Jamie was someone who was a fairly good friend in Jr. High. We all went through his first case of cancer with him… Continue reading Almost Done!!
Day 8 and Monster Tomatoes
So I think I’m starting to hate lemons and maple syrup. I actually gagged a little on my drink this morning. I think it’s just because I’m more of a salt lover than a sweets lover. The new maple syrup I bought tastes totally different than the last kind and it’s not nearly as tasty. … Continue reading Day 8 and Monster Tomatoes
Master Cleanse – Day 7 (and other stuff)
There’s new Zaza Bags up so go check them out. Wow, it’s a really nice batch this time. It’s only the wee hours of the morning but the bidding has already started. I even made a bag to go into the batch and I’m quite nervous about it. I wore it into the grocery store… Continue reading Master Cleanse – Day 7 (and other stuff)
Consequences VS Punishments
Firstly, you must go to bags for Zaza and check out the bags. The bidding ends tomorrow and there’s always different styles each week so if you don’t like anything be sure to come back and check things out again. There’s a camo one and that’s the last of our camo fabric so be sure… Continue reading Consequences VS Punishments
Master Cleanse – Day 3
Lets just say when one starts cleansing, one shouldn’t drive until the brain fog goes away. I did not feel very safe to be driving yesterday and I’m not going to again until this fog clears. Sometimes it feels really clear and times like right now I feel like I need to take some steel… Continue reading Master Cleanse – Day 3
Eating is Overrated
So last night I attempted the salt water flushing aspect of this cleanse. The part where you guzzle 1L of sea salt water and then it flushes your bowels and you get to poop it out. Apparently my reaction to it isn’t the norm so don’t be scared to at least try it. I just… Continue reading Eating is Overrated
Yay Camping!
First and foremost, there’s new Zaza bags up. Linda made most of these are they’re lovely. Hopefully one will pop out at you!! It’s always nice to go camping and it’s always SUPER nice to get home, have a shower and collapse in your own, clean bed. Camping was SO much fun. We had our… Continue reading Yay Camping!
And The Winner Is…
WOOT WOOT!!!! I can’t believe she just won that!! I almost made up a name for myself and rigged the draw so I’d win. Alas…set your eyes on the CAUSE LEAH…THE CAUSE!! Anyway, if any of you are joining me for the cleanse then just know I wont be blogging until Tuesday morning and the… Continue reading And The Winner Is…