We got to go swimming today! The in laws are out for a quick visit so we all went to the pool at their hotel and it was so much fun, I didn’t want to leave! Silas, Isaac and Lucas all loved the water. I’m so pleased to see how happy my boys are in… Continue reading Water Boys
Rub A Dub Dub
Lucas is an easy going fella so Colin and Leanne put him down to sleep at our house sometimes so we can stay awake until all hours sipping wine and watching movies :). He always needs a bath before bed. This is the first successful bath Silas and Lucas have taken together! Remember, we’ve had… Continue reading Rub A Dub Dub
You know those “aha” moments where you figure something out about yourself? I had one of those today. I was sitting cross-legged on Silas’ floor with Isaac nursing. I was rocking back and forth noticing the burning sensation in the back of my throat. The honeydew melon I had eaten gave me that feeling. I… Continue reading Aha?
Dancing Mennos!!
Well, I know the Menno genes run deep in Brent’s side of the family but I think mine over-took the boys a little this morning as they were hanging out with Auntie Jennie. It’s not every day you get to see some Menno’s dancing! We took that this morning. It’s always nice when Jennie comes… Continue reading Dancing Mennos!!
If They Only Knew…
I can’t imbed this video…go check it out, it’s funny.
Matriarch Mushroom Soup
When I was pregnant with Silas I was horribly sick. I was throwing up for at least 7 months. I spent a lot of time on the couch in front of the TV. During that time I discovered something: The Food Network. Never was I attracted to cooking shows before and I don’t actually remember… Continue reading Matriarch Mushroom Soup
Mud Puddles, Snow and Worms
Who taught Silas to kiss obscure things? Was it me? Was I thinking about his lips meeting the muddle puddle today as he bent down to give the beloved thing a kiss? Or the worm that I dug up for him that got a sloppy one as well? There’s nothing much better than watching your… Continue reading Mud Puddles, Snow and Worms
You know, there’s something I’ve really been taking delight in lately. It’s the bond that Silas and Isaac are forming. It’s how much they actually care for each other. It’s such a beautiful sight. Silas has been a great big brother thus far. He accepted Isaac into our home and seemed to somehow (primal instinct?)… Continue reading Brothers
Stay Like This
I love your beautiful cheeks, they get so darn rosy. I press them against mine and hold you tightly and rock back and forth. The flood of warmth fills my core and I feel painfully and intoxicatingly in love with you. Gosh it hurts. I love your eyes, how they look so much like mine… Continue reading Stay Like This
Excellent Blogger Awards
Looks like little old me was awarded an Excellent Blog Award. Cool. My very first award. Feel free to give me more!! I am supposed to nominate 10 others for the award so here I go! Chronicles of Blunderview This blog is wonderful! Very thoughtful, humorous and well written. This woman will have you… Continue reading Excellent Blogger Awards
Passionate for Laundry
Don’t worry folks. I am alive!! I couldn’t blog on Thursday and Friday because I was in the company of some very dear friends and family and, sorry to say, I’d rather hang out with my loved ones than blog every day! Both of my boys are in bed, at least one is confirmed as… Continue reading Passionate for Laundry
It’s My Blogaversary!!
Yaaaaay. I’m having a little mini celebration in my mind now…I’m doing a little happy dance. I’ve been blogging here for a year! This year has been very eventful so I thought I’d do a little look back over this past year to see what’s happened. I’ll add links to the blogs I wrote about… Continue reading It’s My Blogaversary!!
Why I Blog
Ever since I was a little girl I journaled. I have a bunch of books in storage that document my life. After getting married, my journaling slowed down. I think it’s because I used to journal before going to bed and now I have someone there with me, didn’t seem like a private enough place… Continue reading Why I Blog
Ikey, We Need to Talk.
My Darling Isaac, You and I have been through a lot together these past 8 months. We’ve had a successful 8 months of nursing but it hasn’t come without consequence. At first you’d just want to nurse for hours on end. I didn’t know when to stop it, you just kept sucking and sucking. Then… Continue reading Ikey, We Need to Talk.
Mission Statement
Recently I thought it would be a good idea to write down my mission statement as a mother. Churches and companies do it so, seeing that I have the most important job in the world, I thought I’d write one of my own. I encourage you to write your own, print it, and post it… Continue reading Mission Statement