Silas has always had a hard time with drawing. He doesn’t know how to grasp the writing utensil firmly and it always flops around in his hands. It also just stresses him out a lot and he’d just rather someone else draw him letters, shapes and numbers. The other day I noticed that he would… Continue reading Finger Painting!!
The BEST Snuggle
OOOO I just had the best morning!!! The planets aligned or something because oh my, the best snuggle ever. Silas wanted out of his room so I snatched him up and brought him to be bed for a quick snuggle. Isaac was just starting to whine so I thought it would be quick but he… Continue reading The BEST Snuggle
Just One of Those Days….
Silas is in a phase again…the kicking, screaming, head-butting, hitting kinda phase. After I got him in his nap finally I just burst into tears. Almost a good hour of fighting with him, restraining him and yes, losing my patience with him. How many times can a person calmly tell someone who’s hurting them to… Continue reading Just One of Those Days….
We’re getting some pretty hard evidence that Silas is more greatly effected by the omega supplemtents he is recieving than the GFCF diet. I’m forgetful and I’ll often forget his supplements for a few days. Suddenly the kid is cranky, his language is worse, he screams a lot and I think…OOOPS. Forgot those supplements again. … Continue reading Untitled
Music Music Music
I’ve really been getting back into this music thing again. It feels so good. As I’ve been trying to tap into some online musical communities I’ve also been really encouraged by people that really enjoy my music. For the first time in my life I feel like I’m actually good at this. I’m so encouraged.… Continue reading Music Music Music
Let the Sun Shine In
So how come today it’s only 11:20 am and I’ve accomplished more than I have all week? Cuz it was sunny this morning. Sun gives me spunk. I love sunshine. It’s my mojo. It’s crazy how simple it is that seeing rays of sunshine coming through my blinds makes my whole day different but it… Continue reading Let the Sun Shine In
It’s weird what’s just ingrained in human nature. I suppose if you don’t know any better, telling your mommy “did you poop? Should we change your bum quick?” (the echolalia makes him repeat things to me how I’ve said them to him) when you really haven’t, seems like a great idea to get attention. He’s… Continue reading Lies??
Are They 13 Already?
I thought they wouldn’t eat me out of house and home until they were teenagers…not NOW! For example, a typical breakfast for Silas is 3 eggs, a banana, an apple, some crackers, a rice cake, sometimes another banana, a kiwi and then I say STOP SILAS because it’s almost lunch time. Then Isaac downs over… Continue reading Are They 13 Already?
Rain Rain Go Away
Ugh, the dreaded winter time here in the Lower Mainland…rain rain rain. I can’t complain about the fall we’ve had, it was mostly beautiful. I was pretty proud of myself and how much I got the kids out this summer, even if it was just in my yard some days, they got outside. Now it’s… Continue reading Rain Rain Go Away
I’ve always had this dream to be a famous singer. I kinda lost that dream for a while there but for some reason it’s coming back to me. Obviously you’ve seen that because I’ve been showing you some of my songs here and here. It’s been on my mind a lot. Of course I’d love… Continue reading Hmmmmm
Pooooor Brent
Brent came home yesterday with a raging fever. Ooops. I guess he caught the germies. He doesn’t ever get sick though so I thought he could withstand my germies. Unfortunately he can’t. So last night I did my best to nurse the poor man back to health. He’s on the couch right now watching sports. … Continue reading Pooooor Brent
On the Mend
Goodness me I’m tired. I think my body just kicked the butt of some super duper evil germs and now it’s just exhausted from it. It’s weird, my fever at the highest was 101.5 I think. Nothing really happened other than a little sore throat though. Weird for such a fever, it’s left me tired… Continue reading On the Mend
Don’t EVEN!
I was going to go all sentimental on you and do a fabulous slide show of Silas from birth until three but I got too mad at the fact that I was lame enough to save all of the photos from the first year and a half of his life in a file size so… Continue reading Don’t EVEN!
Why aren’t there little elves that come take over when a mommy is sick? Seriously, God should have considered that one. They could come and take care of the kids, make my house spic and span, sing songs about gaily cleaning. Wouldn’t that ROCK?? My fever was so high last night and I was shivering… Continue reading Siiiiiiiick
My Feeble Attempt at Not Being Chicken
Some of you know that I’m a musician. About 5 years ago I played a show at my old Bible College and I let a few negative comments to get to me. I was totally broken up about it and I just let myself believe that I suck and it’s pointless to play for people.… Continue reading My Feeble Attempt at Not Being Chicken