How To Discipline a 15 Month Old

When you discipline a 15 month old you must ______________. Please fill in the blank. Sometimes I really feel like I have no idea what I am doing. How do you ignore tantrums yet still be tender to a child who doesn’t know how to express his feeling? How do you not go crazy saying… Continue reading How To Discipline a 15 Month Old

I Love Peeing My Pants?

We had the strangest weather yesterday.  When I woke up, we were having freezing rain.  I watched as that stopped and then a while later it started to rain and then it started to pour and then suddenly everything was white with hail, then it stopped.  The sun shone for a while, it got cloudy,… Continue reading I Love Peeing My Pants?

Hug a Chiropractor

I love my chiropractor!  Not in a romantical way of course, just in a “you fixed my body and I love you” way.  It’s taken two visits and I’m almost completely fixed of my sciatic and back problems.  I still have some hip pain but that’s just my arthritis dealing with my joints being loose… Continue reading Hug a Chiropractor

General Unwellness

Ugh, whatever my husband had last week has now graced my presence. I woke up this morning with a lovely sore throat and just an overall sense of unwellness. I hadn’t been feeling normal all weekend and now I guess I know why. GRRRR. For someone who never gets out in public often I do… Continue reading General Unwellness

The Conclusion of the Odor

After finishing yesterday’s post I bravely ventured to my closet, opened the door and looked in. The stench really hit me and I was frightened. I thought I would just do a quick surface scan of the closet to see if I could spot what the horrible odor was coming from. I saw shoes and… Continue reading The Conclusion of the Odor

A Good Mood Day

Silas has been in SUCH a good mood so far today.  I don’t know what to do with it.  I keep thinking I’m going to jinx it somehow!  There wasn’t any fussing or hanging or whining or smashing of faces on the floor.  It’s been a lovely morning, perhaps it’s because the sun is actually… Continue reading A Good Mood Day

Pay Me Back in Kisses!

When in Manitoba we attended a wedding where Brent was one of the groomsmen.  I realized I have a much better appreciation for the speeches done by the parents during the reception.  The groom’s mom got me rather teary although she did talk about “I’ll Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch.  A book that I’ve… Continue reading Pay Me Back in Kisses!

Snotty noses and the boobie song

Lately my son has been pulling out my shirt and peering in to see what’s going on in there. I always tell him “those are boobies” and he quietly says beeboo and then smacks them or something like that. Anyway, he’s been singing this song lately and I haven’t thought anything of it. He just… Continue reading Snotty noses and the boobie song