Ucky Mucky Squishy Squashy Therapy!

So, today I decided to get out my handy book “The Out of Synch Child Has Fun” and try a little activity with the bratters.  It involved shaving cream and a cookie sheet.  The point is to get them playing with ooey gooey things that most likely will bother them at first.  Children with autism… Continue reading Ucky Mucky Squishy Squashy Therapy!

Funding is…Well…a Joke.

I was sickened the other day when I found out that the 20 grand the government gives me for Silas’ therapy (OT, Speech, ABA) only covers 8-10 hours of ABA a week.  My dear little Silas needs 30-40 hours a week…soooooooo liiiikkkeeee 60-70 grand-ish.  That’s obviously not covering OT and speech and a DAN dr… Continue reading Funding is…Well…a Joke.

Beeaauutiifuul Day

It’s just been too nice here this winter.  The sunniest winter I’ve seen since moving here.  I’m so relieved.  It’s definitely helped the mood. Recently I realized that I could take the boys for a walk, without any tantrums if I stuck Isaac in the MEC backpack (which, I might add, is the most comfortable… Continue reading Beeaauutiifuul Day

What Our Tantrums Are Like

Oh my, Silas just tantrumed forrrrr….30 minutes.  Yup…30.  I didn’t sustain any injuries but that’s partly because I locked Isaac and I in the bathroom.  Then, dodging Silas, I ran and locked us in Isaac’s bedroom, holding the door closed with my feet so I could safely get clothes on Isaac and get him into… Continue reading What Our Tantrums Are Like

The Diagnosis Blues

The love I have for my children is the most vulnerable and scary love in the whole world.  You put your heart out as far as it can go, almost naively, without knowing how easily broken it is.  I think every mother’s heart gets broken.   Some get broken more, some less.  This most beautiful… Continue reading The Diagnosis Blues

Temple Grandin

I’ve just discovered the wonder that is Temple Grandin and I think everyone needs to watch this documentary on her.  She is an adult with autism that used to be severely autistic but she has come out of it a lot.  She gives us a lot of insight into an autistic mind and it really… Continue reading Temple Grandin

Money Money Money Money….MONEY

The title is supposed to be sung that that song.  Anyway… My mind is buzzing with all these ideas for raising money for Silas.  A Gala?  A church event?  Selling things on my blog??  Begging? The government is going to give us 20 grand which we will only be able to spend on ABA therapy,… Continue reading Money Money Money Money….MONEY

Cough Cough Cough

So, almost done Silas’ diagnosis.  The psychologist told me he’s certain Silas has autism, he’s just got to figure out the severity and which type it is.  More things were pointed out to me that I didn’t realize about Silas. Today I am excited.  I’m excited to start therapy.  I’m feeling able to make phone… Continue reading Cough Cough Cough

One Step Closer

So we’re back from the speech therapist now.  She wasn’t able to do a full assessment because part way through, Silas ran screaming to the other side of the room and began smashing his head on very very hard things.  He’s been doing it all day…he’s forming a welt.  I’m considering another ear infection. Anyway,… Continue reading One Step Closer


Well, another lesson learned in not getting your hopes up too high.  Silas’ back is covered in hives from his peanut allergy test.  His allergy is worse than it was a year and a bit ago.  I guess we’re just really really good at keeping him safe. The doc said to not come back for… Continue reading Shucks…