MY HUSBAND! For the best valentines day gift ever. What is it you ask? It’s the new Dirt Devil Kone hand vacuum cleaner. How romantic hey? I had to poke, I had to prod, I had to remind but I made my romance happen and my floors clean at the same time. This stemmed… Continue reading And The Award Goes To….
I have a question for you… What do you get when you mix a 2 year old with a bowl of popcorn, a cup of juice and Oprah and stick him on the potty???….. YAY PEE PEE!!! That was actually the 2nd time on the potty yesterday and his 2nd, 3rd, 4th… Continue reading YAY PEE PEE!
B.L.A.S.P. – ing
With every birth of a child comes a small yet significant perk for the mother. Her body cycles slowwww down and take a little break from crazy fertility land into a nice, calm land where you don’t have to worry about cycles and late-night trips to the drug store. It’s really the only good thing… Continue reading B.L.A.S.P. – ing
No Longer a One-Trick Pony
Well, it’s happening. Ikey is gracefully sliding into a….well…a person. He’s no longer just some leech that wiggles and sucks me dry. He’s actually doing quite a lot. Much to my obvious dismay. He’s mastered our stair case and will b-line his way to it at any open opportunity. He’s does the whole thing with… Continue reading No Longer a One-Trick Pony
Your Questions Answered
You know, I was pretty sad at the lack of questions asked by the public. It was view 145 times even :(. That was your guilt trip…ha ha. You still have time to ask though. If you feel like redeeming yourselves at dedicated readers. ONTO THE ANSWERS! Laura asked : Are you stopping Thursday’s Thirteen?… Continue reading Your Questions Answered
Missing Music
I’m missing this a lot right now That was taken at a talent show back in my Bible College days. We won. The other singer’s name is Mark and Stacy was on the piano, although I originally sung that song with a guy named Aaron. (Apparently I always lick my lips like a madwoman when… Continue reading Missing Music
Scattered Today
Wow, what a good weekend I just had. Yesterday we (Juliet, Brent and I) put the kids in carriers and went to the park for a nice hike. We have this great place to walk around here. Jules and I walked it Saturday too. Lemme just say, it’s extra had with a 22 pound fatso… Continue reading Scattered Today
Last night Brent and I had our Valentines date. We did it a day late just because I didn’t feel like dealing with busy restaurants. It’s better this way. Anyway, we went to this local place and had a really fantastic waitress, she was hilarious. We got some stuff mushroom caps for a starter and… Continue reading GLOW BOLWING!
A Mother’s Love
I get this feeling every night as I sneak into my children’s room and tuck them in while they sleep. I feel completely and totally vulnerable. For some reason seeing my sleeping children remind me of how delicate they are, how easily they could slip from my fingers. My hear suddenly fills with this feeling… Continue reading A Mother’s Love
K yesterday’s post was a floppy flop. Go ask some questions!! I might go on strike because no one loves me! What a morning I had. I must admit, I was not a very good mommy this morning. I get SO frustrated that I can’t even see straight. It all started with Silas stomping on… Continue reading It’s an AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Kinda Day
Question and Comments.
So I’ve seen other bloggers do this so I thought I would as well. It’s time to ask me questions!! Anything you would like to know about me, anything at all. I’ve temporarily changed the way you have to comment. You can write in my comments completely anonymously for a few days. I did that… Continue reading Question and Comments.
If Only I Had Known
Thank you to my sister Jennie for sending me this instruction leaflet that she received in the mail the other day. I think it’s important for all of us to take all of these things very seriously. If I had this on my wall 2 years ago I might not be in this pickle I’m… Continue reading If Only I Had Known
Naked Mommy
(That title is going to give me some uncomfortable search engine hits I just know it) A few months back Leanne and I were chatting and somehow the topic of me showering with my kids was brought up. She brought up that Silas is going to start remembering things soon so I should probably stop… Continue reading Naked Mommy
Still Sick
Ikey is still under the weather today. I don’t know what the issue is. If he’s still got a fever tomorrow then I’ll go make sure he doesn’t have an ear infection. I hope this boy doesn’t get them! He’s still sleeping often and not wanting to eat much. He just wants to nurse. I’m… Continue reading Still Sick
World Pond Hockey Championships.
I’ve decided to write my blogs at an earlier time. I always have 30 mins at the computer in the morning in front of my light therapy thingie. I’m finding when I write when both of the boys are asleep I’m losing some good “me” time that I need. SO!! I have the COOLEST step-dad… Continue reading World Pond Hockey Championships.