A Lesson In Perspective

I was watching a bit of Tyra today while I was nursing Isaac and this woman was bawling about how since she had her kid she’s 20 pounds heavier and has stretch marks. She wasn’t into having sex or anything. That makes me so sad. I’ve ranted about this before but this pressure put on… Continue reading A Lesson In Perspective

Thursday Thirteen #12

mysteries of motherhood The little socks always lose their pairs, I swear there’s a sock fairy that come and takes them. Kids will gobble up something one day and then decide it’s disgusting the next day, what’s up with that? Okay, your diaper is leaking poop…but the carpet is brown… I used to have like… Continue reading Thursday Thirteen #12

My Fat, Fat Isaac

I’m a little late on writing the blog today.  Isaac had a good, long nurse and fell asleep.  I didn’t want to put him down after.  It’s so nice to kiss a baby’s lips when they’re sleeping.  Their breath smells so sweet and their lips and all soft and squishy.  I swear my kids both… Continue reading My Fat, Fat Isaac

A Bunch of Stuff

Wow, Silas’ birthday party is next week!!  I’m so excited.  It’s just going to be very small this year, just family pretty much.  I can’t handle a crowd, I just don’t wanna.  But feel free to still buy him pressies or send money…ha ha!! It’s been slightly exhausting trying to avoid wheat, oats, milk and… Continue reading A Bunch of Stuff

NAET Allergy Experience.

So yesterday we went off to see the NAET specialist. I had no idea what to expect, I knew we would be doing acupressure. After coming out I felt ok but the lump in my tummy is getting bigger and bigger. According to her diagnostic techniques Silas is allergic to eggs, wheat, oats, chicken, peanuts… Continue reading NAET Allergy Experience.


Another morning, me in my PJ’s drinking my twice (or three times) re-heated cup of coffee, blogging away. I’m the bearer of good and bad news this morning, that’s why I’m writing early, I just need to talk about stuff. Last night Silas and I made this video. I wasn’t expecting it to turn out… Continue reading Apples?

Ikey Is 5 Months Old!

Ikey Okie Oh is 5 whole months old today.  Man, time goes by fast with baby #1 but with #2 it’s like WAAAAYYY faster.  Because time is already going fast with #1!  I really can’t believe we’re at 5 months.  One more month and we’re half way done this whole baby thing.  What a bitter… Continue reading Ikey Is 5 Months Old!

Dearest Isaac

Oh my Ikey darling, how your frustrate me so.  With your “special” whine and your aversion to my bosoms.  You cry whenever I leave your sight and you insist on sleeping with me at night, you wouldn’t have it any other way.  Oh Isaac, you’ve been constantly drooling and pooping these past few weeks.  Your… Continue reading Dearest Isaac

Leah The Nugget

I have this problem and I really don’t know how to make it better.  It’s a major major flaw that I have a hard time even wanting to change.  I never ever ever get out.  I seriously can be locked in my house for a week and hardly notice that I haven’t left.  Once I… Continue reading Leah The Nugget

Thursday Thirteen #10

Thirteen Things about The Informal Matriarch  13 things I’m proud of My musical abilities, especially my singing voice. Teaching myself to sing harmony and then teaching myself to find the 3rd part on the fly.  I had to learn that quickly because of singing at the church I’m at, I figured it out and now… Continue reading Thursday Thirteen #10

Saved By The Mom

Yesterday was one of the hardest days I’ve experienced as a mother.  I want to cry just thinking about it.  Silas was awful, just completely horrible and I have the bruises to prove it.  I don’t know if it was the ear infection or teething or what but he was a monster.  He’d pick the… Continue reading Saved By The Mom

The Universe Conspires

Just when I’d had enough, when I thought not much more could really go wrong, the Universe decided to throw another one at me. I had just exited my kitchen on my way to lay on the couch with Isaac and nurse him when the Universe grabbed my foot and placed it ever so perfectly… Continue reading The Universe Conspires