Saved By The Mom

Yesterday was one of the hardest days I’ve experienced as a mother.  I want to cry just thinking about it.  Silas was awful, just completely horrible and I have the bruises to prove it.  I don’t know if it was the ear infection or teething or what but he was a monster.  He’d pick the… Continue reading Saved By The Mom

The Universe Conspires

Just when I’d had enough, when I thought not much more could really go wrong, the Universe decided to throw another one at me. I had just exited my kitchen on my way to lay on the couch with Isaac and nurse him when the Universe grabbed my foot and placed it ever so perfectly… Continue reading The Universe Conspires

Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like Making A Title.

Every time I sit down here I draw a blank about what I had been planning to write about so I just blab and blab and blab with no direction.  I wish I could remember because I’m not finding anything to blab about either.  Hmmmmmm. Ikey’s nursing wacky again (I just remembered what I was… Continue reading Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like Making A Title.

Shattering Into Pieces

Last night I had the shock of my life.  I cooked supper and threw some peanut sauce on our stir fry without thinking.  I thought about it for a second and then thought it should be ok for Silas to have a little this time.  I’ve been avoiding peanuts because there’s so many allergies in… Continue reading Shattering Into Pieces


My sister Jennie was able to capture some wonderful videos of my psycho child Silas this Sunday. This first one is of Silas singing his good morning song which is the same tune as “Happy Birthday”. We had just sung Happy Birthday to my niece Ali so Silas decided to continue singing for her. This… Continue reading Videos!!

I Don’t Wanna Be a Mommy Today.

I hate mess but I can’t stop creating it, it’s driving me crazy.  My brain gets fuzzy and things are so off, when my world isn’t in order.  But I can never actually seem to create order.  Once I get everything back in place I forget to keep it that way.  I leave coffee cups… Continue reading I Don’t Wanna Be a Mommy Today.

The Results Are In And….

… the lactation consultant had no idea what to say other than I shouldn’t feed him longer than 30 minutes because it’ll just keep my milk supply up high and he wont be getting much after that anyway.  She was nice though and Ikey thought that she was funny.  This week I chart chart chart… Continue reading The Results Are In And….


Last night I was eating my chile dog (hadn’t had one of those in years, thanks for the suggestion Roselle!!) and Silas wanted some. So we captured it on video. I almost didn’t post this because I was horrified at my lousy posture and scary chewing but then I thought “do I actually care what… Continue reading I DO IT!!

Categorized as family, food

Pent Up

The past few days I’ve been feeling kind of pent up.  It’s a weird feeling, like I wanted to freak out all over the place.  I eventually gave into last night and just got really hyper…manic much??  *sigh* it was another one of those flashback thingies I’ve been getting, almost like that part of my… Continue reading Pent Up

I Should Be Cleaning and Not Writing So Much!!

Holy cow it’s 3:30 and I haven’t blogged. I was letting Ikey slurp away at my bossoms while talking for hours on the phone with Jill. We hadn’t had a good, long phone call in a while. It was much needed. Ikey sucked for over an hour, but there wasn’t much milk. He hardly ate… Continue reading I Should Be Cleaning and Not Writing So Much!!