What Our Tantrums Are Like

Oh my, Silas just tantrumed forrrrr….30 minutes.  Yup…30.  I didn’t sustain any injuries but that’s partly because I locked Isaac and I in the bathroom.  Then, dodging Silas, I ran and locked us in Isaac’s bedroom, holding the door closed with my feet so I could safely get clothes on Isaac and get him into… Continue reading What Our Tantrums Are Like

A Meeting

On Tuesday someone from Child Development Services came to do an intake so Silas can get on the waiting list to be in their supported child development program.  Meaning they provide support with preschool up to Kindergarten. She had a million questions about his development because she needs to categorize him.  There’s three stages: 1… Continue reading A Meeting

Flab to Fab

I’d just like to start off with a big thank you to Jennie and her traveling lunges she made me do last night.  My groin is just feeling FANTASTIC!! REALLY!!  grrrrrrrrr. Jennie went to one of those bootcamps once and learned how to do it all and wrote up these little cards and now we… Continue reading Flab to Fab

Bring Me Baileys!!

I’m having coffee today, it’s a coffee day. It’s actually a coffee and Baileys day but since I’m without Baileys, I guess I’m just drinking coffee. Silas is downstairs having a massive temper tantrum because he wants a bite of wrap. I have many bites I’ve pre-torn for him that are sitting right beside me.… Continue reading Bring Me Baileys!!


K yesterday’s post was a floppy flop.  Go ask some questions!!  I might go on strike because no one loves me! What a morning I had.  I must admit, I was not a very good mommy this morning.  I get SO frustrated that I can’t even see straight.   It all started with Silas stomping on… Continue reading It’s an AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Kinda Day


You know, there’s something I’ve really been taking delight in lately. It’s the bond that Silas and Isaac are forming. It’s how much they actually care for each other. It’s such a beautiful sight. Silas has been a great big brother thus far. He accepted Isaac into our home and seemed to somehow (primal instinct?)… Continue reading Brothers

Thursday Thirteen #12

mysteries of motherhood The little socks always lose their pairs, I swear there’s a sock fairy that come and takes them. Kids will gobble up something one day and then decide it’s disgusting the next day, what’s up with that? Okay, your diaper is leaking poop…but the carpet is brown… I used to have like… Continue reading Thursday Thirteen #12


Another morning, me in my PJ’s drinking my twice (or three times) re-heated cup of coffee, blogging away. I’m the bearer of good and bad news this morning, that’s why I’m writing early, I just need to talk about stuff. Last night Silas and I made this video. I wasn’t expecting it to turn out… Continue reading Apples?

Leah The Nugget

I have this problem and I really don’t know how to make it better.  It’s a major major flaw that I have a hard time even wanting to change.  I never ever ever get out.  I seriously can be locked in my house for a week and hardly notice that I haven’t left.  Once I… Continue reading Leah The Nugget

Saved By The Mom

Yesterday was one of the hardest days I’ve experienced as a mother.  I want to cry just thinking about it.  Silas was awful, just completely horrible and I have the bruises to prove it.  I don’t know if it was the ear infection or teething or what but he was a monster.  He’d pick the… Continue reading Saved By The Mom

The Universe Conspires

Just when I’d had enough, when I thought not much more could really go wrong, the Universe decided to throw another one at me. I had just exited my kitchen on my way to lay on the couch with Isaac and nurse him when the Universe grabbed my foot and placed it ever so perfectly… Continue reading The Universe Conspires

I Don’t Wanna Be a Mommy Today.

I hate mess but I can’t stop creating it, it’s driving me crazy.  My brain gets fuzzy and things are so off, when my world isn’t in order.  But I can never actually seem to create order.  Once I get everything back in place I forget to keep it that way.  I leave coffee cups… Continue reading I Don’t Wanna Be a Mommy Today.

Pent Up

The past few days I’ve been feeling kind of pent up.  It’s a weird feeling, like I wanted to freak out all over the place.  I eventually gave into last night and just got really hyper…manic much??  *sigh* it was another one of those flashback thingies I’ve been getting, almost like that part of my… Continue reading Pent Up

Mostly Photos

I got a little excited yesterday. I was trying to figure out how to make my dragon tree sprout more branches and whatnot and I got into pruning and then I just went a bit scissor crazy on my house plants. I’m so excited though. I love caring for my houseplants and actually they love… Continue reading Mostly Photos


I have a sensory experience that I’ve set up for you all. This requires no tools and you’ll actually get to SMELL Isaac. Who’s excited? Let’s begin: take a finger and insert it into your belly button, now move it around and create some friction for some heat. Do this for about and minute and… Continue reading Mung